Calgary Screw Pile Pros

Building Code Compliant
Helical Screw Piles

Calgary Screw Pile Pros

What is a building code compliant helical pile?

A foundation system for buildings and structures that is made to meet the standards and specifications established by the Alberta Building Code is known as a “building code compliant screw pile.” The metal shaft of a screw pile, which is constructed of steel, is fashioned with a helical or spiral blade that is screwed into the ground to a particular depth.

To guarantee the stability and safety of a structure, Alberta’s building code calls for the use of a CCMC-compliant screw pile system. Due to their advantages over conventional foundation methods, including quicker installation schedules which lower costs, less excavation, and less environmental damage, screw piles have grown in popularity in recent years.

Screw piles need to adhere to specified requirements in terms of their size, strength, and installation methods in order to be deemed Alberta building code compliant. To guarantee that buildings are safe and secure, these requirements include the use of CCMC materials and installation practises as they are enforced by building inspectors.

Helical piles unloaded from a flatbed

Alberta Building Code Requirements for Screw Piles

The Alberta Building Code and the Alberta Municipal Affairs Safety Codes Act in Alberta specify the screw pile building code standards. The type of structure being erected, the soil conditions, and the requirements of the local building code will all have an impact on the specific needs for screw piles. Often, a foundation design drafted by an engineer is required. The National Research Council of Canada specifies the CCMC standards by which new screw piles are to be fabricated. Not all helical piles being sold today meet this criteria.

Some general requirements for screw piles in Alberta include:

Design and Engineering

Screw piles must be designed and engineered to meet the specific requirements of the building project and the soil conditions at the construction site. In most cases a foundation design will need to be provided by a professional engineer licensed in the province of Alberta. During installation a certified screw pile installer will monitor and record the toque values during installation and provide those to the engineer so the foundation design can be signed off as compliant. 

New Material and Manufacturing Compliance

Screw piles must be made of high-quality materials and manufactured to meet industry standards. The steel used in the pile must have a minimum yield strength of 350 MPa, and the pile shaft diameter must be at least 57mm. To meet CCMC requirements, helical piles must be constructed from new steel. Repurposed materials are not permitted to be used in any structural application. Property owners need to be aware of the material being used for their screw pile installations. Non-conforming materials can mean permitting, liability, and even safety issues for property owners.

Certified Installation

Screw piles must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and must be installed by trained professionals with experience in screw pile installation. The installation must also comply with the Alberta Building Code and local building code requirements. The Calgary Screw Pile Pros have a team of certified screw pile installers offering compliant installations in and around the city of Calgary, AB. Build a better foundation with screw piles. 

Capacity Verification

A certified screw pile installer will monitor the applied torque to each individual screw pile during installation. measuring the torque required to install the screw pile and correlating it to the pile’s load capacity. The torque measurement is taken during installation using a torque indicator or strain gauge, and the results are compared to load capacity tables provided by the manufacturer. As stated earlier, these reports are also provided to the engineer to provide verification that the requirements of the foundation design were also met.

A Calgary Screw Pile Pros Installation

The Calgary Screw Pile Pros take great pride in providing Calgarians with Alberta Build Code-compliant screw pile foundations. People can trust that their Calgary screw pile installation by the Screw Pile Pros was done in compliance with the Alberta Building Code and that all material used meets the CCMC standards for auger-installed ground screws. Property owners need to be aware of non-certified contractors using repurposed materials in their projects. Neglecting to ensure that your pile installer is properly building your pier foundation can mean a lack of stability or even structural failure.

All long-lasting and safe construction projects are built upon compliant and certified foundations. Contact the Calgary Screw Pile Pros to provide an engineered pile foundation for your new project today.